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* All cars provide standard vehicle data with the officially declared consumption values according to the legal WLTP procedure. For vehicles tested by Green NCAP, additionally measured best, average and worst case consumption values are available and used for the LCA analyses.
Green NCAP tested vehicle versions are identified by
The LCA of vehicle models released after the beginning of 2024, as well as of Green NCAP tested vehicles published in 2024 and onwards, is calculated using the 3rd Methodology and Data edition. Older vehicle models are subject to calculations using the 2nd edition.

Select Your Expected Mileage

Annual mileage
5,000 km
50,000 km

Expected Lifetime Based on Annual Mileage: 16

Select Your Country OR European Union Renewable Electricity Mix

Country (for energy supply)

In {country} : {valueGHG} gCO2-eq./kWh

European Union Renewable Electricity Mix

In European Union Renew Mix : {valueGHG} gCO2-eq./kWh