December 2022
Green NCAP launches a new Consumer Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Tool, allowing website visitors to compare the LCA values of cars in relation to their country, energy mix and usage. Targeting consumers who are considering the sustainability of their vehicle in the context of where they live and their long-term usage, as well as academics, industry, and legislators, this tool represents a real step forward towards global environmental awareness about climate-changing emissions and the lifecycle energy required to produce green and sustainable cars.
April 2022
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a method to estimate the overall environmental impact of a vehicle over its total lifecycle. Green NCAP’s LCA assesses the greenhouse gas emissions and the primary energy demand during the various stages in the life cycle of different passenger vehicles.
Green NCAP is an independent initiative which promotes the development of cars which are clean, energy efficient and not harmful to the environment. It aims to improve the quality of the air that we breathe, to maximise the use of resources used for passenger transportation and to reduce global warming.
6th February 2025
LEUVEN, BELGIUM – Green NCAP has announced the Top Category Winners – the ‘greenest’ cars in their categories – for 2024. Green NCAP is an independent initiative of Euro NCAP which promotes the development of cars that are clean, energy-efficient, and cause as little harm to the environment as possible.…
Read more27 March 2025